OAK, The Littlest Leaf Girl
An enchanting new story from the creator of Ella’s Night Lights and Lily, the Pond Mermaid about facing change, learning to voice difficult emotions and taking a leap into the unknown.
Oak is a mythical little leaf girl who lives with her leaf parents on the branch of an ancient oak tree.
October 2024

Lily, The Pond Mermaid
From the creator of Ella's Night Lights comes a new tiny heroine - Lily, the pond mermaid, in a story about friendship, community and dealing with childhood worries and anxieties.
Ponds are lush green places, full of busy life. And some ponds, if you look hard enough, even have a secret: pond mermaids. Just like Lily.
October 2023

Ella's Night Lights
If you look very carefully at the night sky, you might spot a teeny-tiny sparkle out of the corner of your eye, a whisper of a tinkling trail... That's Ella.
Ella collects as many shimmering beams of light she can find - a twinkle from a star, the glow from a lamp post. With her light, she guides lost and lonely animals and finds friendship in Fox and Owl. And, together, Ella's animal friends know just how to return her kindness...